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Executive Of The Year Award:

Awarded to the chief staff person of a Chamber of Commerce / Board of Trade for outstanding performance and community leadership.

Our award recipients are among the best Chamber leaders in Canada with proven excellence in:

  • Chamber management and operations
  • Membership retention and growth
  • Financial sustainability
  • Contributions to the Chamber Network and Chamber management profession, and
  • Community leadership

Award Categories:

  • Small chambers (less than 500 members)
  • Medium chambers (between 500-999 members)
  • Large chambers (1000+ members)

Download detailed information about the Executive Of The Year Award here.

Staff Person Of The Year Award:

Awarded to any staff person of a Chamber of Commerce / Board of Trade who has demonstrated exemplary performance and commitment to the Chamber.

Our award recipients are among the best Chamber professionals in Canada. They have demonstrated significant performance achievements, dedication to teamwork and a commitment to professional development and growth.

Download detailed information about the Staff Person Of The Year Award here.

Nominations are closed for 2024

Milestone Service Recognition:

Celebrating the career milestones of Chamber professionals across the Network, we award commemorative pins to Chamber staff once they reach 5 years of service, and at 5 year intervals thereafter. Pins are presented during the national conference or mailed. 


Council of Excellence:

The Council of Excellence recognizes long-term commitment to the Chamber Network and achievement of the highest standards of excellence. This award may be presented to a current or retired Chamber of Commerce / Board of Trade CEO, or posthumously. 

A panel of current Council of Excellence recipients convene on an annual basis with the President of CCEC to determine potential inductees.

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